Spiritual Warfare
Taken from first edition of ‘Prayer’ (page 45) by Zion H. Mukisa
Prayer enables us to solicit for GOD’s protection against the
enemy. In times of danger when we are under attack by physical and spiritual beings,
our inclination to pray comes from knowing that GOD is supreme and that He is
our banner. When we are attacked, our first reaction is to fight back,
therefore, spiritual warfare may be described as a spiritual fight against the
Here below is an insight into spiritual warfare.
“For though we live in the world, we do not
wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of
the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We
demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the
knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to
Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience
is complete” (2Corinthians 10:3-6).
Just as there are many definitions of spiritual warfare, so are there
many physical and spiritual displays of attacks that come against us. However, even
if we are of the flesh and are assailed by all types of spiritual and physical
enemies we do not war in the flesh. In other words, we do not take up arms and
go to war. Still in the same breath, we do not carry out warfare through
physical displays of wrath and revenge but against imaginations.
An imagination can be defined as a thought that may not
necessarily be the truth. It usually takes more than one individual to be at
war and since the source of most problems lies in people’s imaginations so does
the reaction to the problem. Most times the perceived problem is not as bad as
we imagine. In short, our warfare shouldn’t be against the person or targeted
at them but at their mindset or even against our own. Consequently, we should
not fight physical battles with people by abusing them, or hitting them but
against principalities and powers in high places.
Given that it is with the mind that we believe that Jesus is the
Son of GOD and that He died and rose again it has to be obedient to GOD.
Similarly, any attack that comes against us has been planted in our mind or the
mind of our enemy by the devil. Consequently, as we war we do so against
mindsets and thought processes. As Paul says, in Corinthians, we wrestle
against imaginations and every pretension that sets itself against the
knowledge of GOD.
Still, our biggest challenge is the way we perceive the attacks
that come our way. We must always keep in mind that GOD is stronger than any demon
that could ever attack us and that the battle has already been won.
When the word spiritual warfare is mentioned most people think
of demonic attacks. Some Churches have taken it to another level as they
perceive that every situation we face is a demonic attack and that all the
prayers and teachings carried out there are an opportunity to cast out demons!
I do appreciate all the Churches I have visited in my spiritual walk
and all the lessons I have learned. However, I strongly caution that even if
demons do exist we should be very careful not to see a demon in everything that
goes wrong. For instance, there was a time when I used to cast demons out of
every situation until I realized that some situations happened because of negligence
while GOD let others happen in order to teach me a lesson. Still others
happened because I had acted out of folly not wisdom.
I also learned that I need to be discerning enough to realize
when I am being attacked by demons or need to apply wisdom, repent of my folly,
and learn a lesson.
In addition to this, during my quiet time with GOD it was
revealed to me that the highest level of spiritual warfare is repentance and forgiveness
of sin. When Jesus asked GOD to ‘forgive them for they did not know what they
were doing’, on the cross, the defeat of the enemy was made manifest. This is
the very root of Christ’s coming down to earth - salvation. Through the blood
of the Lamb, our sins were forgiven and the enemy was defeated.
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