Friday, 9 January 2015

Just A Word


I will forever be amazed at the ways of GOD.


Sometimes He speaks in just one word and then backs it up with scripture. Now, that word may be somewhere, seemingly lost, in that scripture and I do not always purport to understand the word spoken by the mouth of GOD or the attached scripture in its entirety but when He says ‘RELEASE’, that is exactly what I do. In fact, sometimes, I can hardly hold myself still from extracting that single word and leaving out the rest of the scripture...but because He said it...I stand still and do His will ‘to the letter’.

“Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it...” (Deuteronomy 4:2). 

Now, that scripture may be the ruling scripture for someone’s next sermon or it could mean so many things including an answer to a diversity of needs and concerns. Yes, it may be a Rhema word for a vast majority of His people most of which I will never meet...


What I am saying is that I may never grasp the reason for which the word has been released or perceive its specific impact...It is without a doubt that I may never be able to get the entire revelation of it and I may never need to unless I must. However, as a servant of GOD all I need to do is to stand in my place. I must be where GOD expects me to be, be the vessel that He has called me to be and release whatever word and scripture He puts on my mind. I must be ready to do all that He expects me to do in addition to all ‘this’ and to do it in a way that He expects me to without adding or subtracting a single dot. I must please my Master in all ways by His grace.


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