“Since we
live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25).
For about two weeks now, GOD has
been reminding me to keep in step with His Spirit. However, I did not know that
the examination would be a hard one to pass and that it would have do with
mercy. I needed to forgive, release peace instead of strife and then maintain
my joy in salvation.
August 2015
Winds of mercy are
blowing right now. May they embrace you.
November 2015
We are in a season of mercy,
humility, submission, and reconciliation.
Whenever GOD tells us to forgive
others and reconcile with them, spiritual promotion is around the corner. In
fact, it is interesting that your way up is down. When you humble yourself, you
are exalted.
Now, in August, GOD spoke to me about mercy and then He said
it again a few days back. This was right after a bout of anger. You see, the
Spirit of GOD revealed what two people said against me and I was livid.
However, in a matter of minutes, the same Spirit told me to have mercy! To be
honest with you, I was so comfortable being angry that I did not want to
release them but because GOD instructed me to do so, I did. Now, I did not know
that He was talking to me not only about those two people but also about
someone else who was going to hurt me so deeply that I would need to be
merciful towards her. Without warning, just last night it happened! Someone, to
whom I have done no wrong by the grace of GOD, wronged me again. I was more
than livid.
“Do not
repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of
everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is
written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord” (Romans 12:17-19).
The gentle morning hours found me on the warpath. I opened my
mouth and pronounced vile words upon her! I justified myself as I fought on and
did not even want to forgive her or bless her. Nonetheless, as I continued in
my tirade, the Spirit of GOD rushed in and told me to bless. He reminded me
that He had brought me to that place to bless not to curse. He slowly prized my
fingers off my ‘weapon of cursing’ and helped me to forgive. He also reminded
me that it is His to avenge and mine to bless, so, I began blessing my enemy even
if it was not easy.
“Let the peace of Christ
rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And
be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
Just then, He reminded me to thank Him for the attack and I
painfully did so. I must tell you that as soon as I thanked GOD for the attack,
the pain abated. As I continued to bless her, I felt relief even as I reached
out for the plunder. I decreed and declared what I would like to have in all
areas of my life and I thanked GOD for answering.
Now, again, I want to tell you that the winds of change are
blowing and they bring mercy with them. Do not miss the chance to be merciful.
I know that it is painful but also that this is hard to achieve but the Spirit
of GOD will enable you to do what He wants you to do.
Dear GOD, even if by your grace, I live at peace with my
enemy she fights me with every opportunity that she gets and sometimes she
succeeds. I do not understand why you let this happen but I know that you are
the GOD who knows the end from the beginning and I know that this will end one
Nonetheless, when she attacks me I have sometimes opened my
mouth and cursed her. Please forgive me. I know that you command me to bless my
enemy but also that I should be thankful when bad things happen to me. Please
remind me to do so, always and to remember to leave room for your vengeance.
I now, forgive my enemy and bless her. I pray that she will
live long on this earth and will enjoy perfect health. I pray that you
will bless her in all areas of her life.
Father, you have taught me that in every war there is
plunder. From this battleground, I now take my plunder in form of
power, wealth, marriage, children, anointing, and my uninterruptible
connection with you. I thank you, LORD, because you have given me victory and
made me plunder my enemy. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.
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