Wednesday, 20 May 2015


I wrote a poem called, ‘Unlearn’ a few years back that I published (online) in my book called, ‘The Bridge’. I did not think much about it when I uploaded an audio of it a few weeks back. However, while going through my notes yesterday I came across something that I wrote in 2008.

24th March 2008

Get Thirsty... Unlearn

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honour me, the jackals and the owls,
because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise” (Isaiah 43:18-21).

I AM pouring out my Spirit afresh but you must first unlearn all that you learned and then I will start a new thing.

21st April 2008

You think that you know everything about me but you do not. You will unlearn the old ways of doing things, the Moses way, and learn new ways (JESUS ways) of doing them. I AM doing a new thing. Can you not perceive it (Isaiah 43:18 and Isaiah 44)?

When I read the above words, I realized that nothing just happens. Everything done under the guidance of the Spirit of GOD follows an unwritten process. As was in this case, I had even forgotten that that poem had any relation to a prophetic word. In fact, I do not remember which came first...the word or the poem...but all that is not important. What is important is that the poem is backed by a prophetic word. This reinforced my belief that everything that GOD does through me is purposed to be released in the time that it should be released. He does operate according to seasons and to think that the season of emphasis happened seven years after I wrote it is amazing.

Therefore, it is without a doubt that GOD wants us to ‘unlearn’ or forget all that we have picked up along the way so that He can teach us anew. He wants us to empty ourselves so that He can fill us up.

Even though, this has a lot to do with the spiritual things, it also involves the physical stuff that we need to accomplish our daily activities.

For instance, there are so many examples of the things GOD has taught me to do. Some of them were computer programmes or technical ways in which to do things that I had never done before or been taught before. Other things were spiritual matters that I picked up from those I encountered in life I simply admitted that I did not know and requested Him to teach me. In some instances, I mentally reached out and pulled out everything that I had learned along the way and asked Him to teach me again.

Consequently, today, GOD wants me to tell you to unlearn all that you learned and ask Him to teach you anew.


Dear GOD, I thank you for all that you have enabled me to learn along the way. However, because of your word above, I choose to lay it aside so that you can teach me afresh. In JESUS’ name, I have prayed, amen.

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