Monday, 28 December 2015

'Father, Forgive Them, For They Do Not Know What They Are Doing'

Have you ever battled with lack of mercy from someone that you wronged and apologized to but that was not willing to forgive you?
Have you ever considered that those who wrong you ‘do not know what they are doing’ and that you 'do not know what you are doing' when you wrong others? Maybe we would be more merciful if we always remembered this.
Today, GOD has quickened me to talk to you about forgiveness. I do not know if you mess up as much as I do but in case you do, this message is for you.
“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your sins” (Mark 11:25-26).
I will often hurt people unintentionally but, over the years, GOD has taught me to apologize for my misdeeds but also to forgive those who have wronged me. It is so humbling to note that GOD is more willing to show me mercy than man is and it seems as if the more mercy I receive from GOD, the more I am required to show mercy man! You see, it is written that if I do not forgive men, my Father in heaven will not forgive me. Therefore, it is important for me to show mercy to man even if man is not willing to accord me the same privilege.
A few years back, a misunderstanding between two friends put me in a very uncomfortable situation. I was a friend to both of them and did not want to be caught in the ‘crossfire’. In addition, I treasured them both given our history together and had no reason to sever the friendship on either side. However, one of them tried to do so but being much older than she is I was mature about it and brought her back into my life.
Now, something happened after that to sway that ‘friendship’ again and it happened in the presence of her husband. He unknowingly shared things with me that I did not know of. Even if, I had considered myself a good friend and as such privy to such life battling experiences, this ‘friend’ had not shared them with me. Consequently, I expressed my disappointment to her husband who told her. My friend then went out of her way, took me out, and apologized for the misunderstanding and I forgave her. However, as usual, I felt that GOD was saying something. I felt that GOD was telling me that our friendship was nonexistent but since she apologized, we needed to forge a way forward or so I thought.
Now the time came, and I hurt the couple deeply. Of course, I apologized to her as my Father in heaven had taught me to do. Nonetheless, my apology was met with a thinly veiled lack of mercy. Even though, my friend insisted that they had put it behind them, I felt that something was not right. Therefore, I made some decisions in line with this that upset her so much that she found it hard to accept. A gap was created.
Months went by and being a servant of GOD, GOD expected me to bridge the gap and was not slow in telling me so. Quickly yet hesitantly, I took the necessary actions and tried to reconnect with her. However, even if she pretended to accept my aim at reconciliation, my friend was not willing to open that door again. I could tell that she had not forgiven me. For some time there, I felt hurt but then let it go by the grace of GOD. 
I would often look back at the above scenario and wonder about a few things. I wondered, and still do, how someone who went out of her way to seek mercy from me, and received it, could fail to offer the same to the one who had shown it to her...  
It made me sad but it also confirmed so many things to me. Maybe, the time when we had first had that misunderstanding was the time of closure for the ‘friendship’...maybe, my role in her life was not to be a ‘friend’ but a minister of GOD supposed to give her Godly counsel...oh...JUST MAYBE!
Whatever the situation really was, I am glad that I did all that I was supposed to do as a ‘friend’ but also as a servant of GOD – I made every attempt at reconciliation by reconnecting with her, by according her mercy when she needed it, and asking for mercy when I needed it in turn.
Today, I do not know why but the Spirit of GOD has prompted me to share the above experience with you. I feel led to tell you to examine that ‘relationship’, see what you have done well (in line with seeking mercy) by the guidance of the Spirit of GOD, and then rest your case. You have done all that GOD required of you. Let it go and leave the rest to GOD. 
“Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).
We often approach the Mercy seat in search for mercy and GOD is always quick to give it to us. Sadly, though, we are less merciful to those who wrong us! Allow me to remind you that once someone says ‘I am sorry’ or ‘I apologize’, it is FINISHED! Just as He did on the Cross, thousands of years ago, shortly after Jesus said that ‘forgive them LORD, for they do not know what they are doing’, He said, ‘It is finished’! Once forgiveness or mercy goes out, IT IS FINISHED! You did your part and IT IS FINISHED!
It would also do us well to remember that people do not wrong us because ‘they know what they are doing’ they wrong us because they ‘do not know what they are doing’ just like our Savior said! Remember this next time someone hurts you!
Dear GOD, I am sorry that I have often been merciless towards those that have hurt me yet you have been merciful to me. I now approach your mercy seat and ask you to forgive me for not showing mercy as much as you want me to. Give me the grace to be more merciful remembering that those who wrong me do not know what they are doing just as I do not know what I am doing when I wrong others. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.

Thursday, 17 December 2015


There is change and it is good. The seasons have changed and you feel it in your spirit! You are being exalted and you are a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON! Be sure to walk onto that ‘red carpet’ when it avails itself! Some will hesitate to step onto it with you. Do not mind that – they do not smell the change, besides, it is your time... your time to shine!

Friday, 4 December 2015


Although I love singing, it is another story when it gets to fact, I yearn to sing for GOD (outside the shower) and I know that it will not be bad at all. However, somewhere along the way I realized that I needed to learn how to dance as well. Therefore, I asked GOD to teach me how to dance.
16th September 2007
“I will teach you how to dance for me”.
Recently, while going through my notes, I came across something that GOD said to me in 2007. He said that He would teach me how to dance for Him. When I read it again a few days back, I was shocked because I did not remember it. In fact, I asked Him to teach me to dance two weekends back while attending a Church service.
Now, on Wednesday my niece (Zion) invited me to a concert organized by the school she attends. At some point during the concert, it was decided that there would be a dancing competition between the parents and guess who was chosen in addition to two other parents?? You are right – I WAS CHOSEN! I, who knew nothing about the latest dancing strokes??? In fact, I do not remember when I had last danced outside Church and even then, very self-consciously silently praying that GOD teaches me how to dance for Him...
You must know that I nearly declined but remembered that I needed to be obedient to the nine-year-old MC! Therefore, I slowly and very prayerfully rose to my feet, made my way to the front of the tent setting, and in no time at all began dancing. You see, even if GOD had reminded me of His promise, that He would teach me how to dance for Him, days before the concert, I was not aware that the lessons had begun and that He had taught me how to dance already! In fact, I did not eagerly put up my hand to join the competition because I thought that I still did not know how to dance! The only hand that I put up was one requesting to be let out of the competition first! Of course, the nine-year-old MC declined.
The ‘dancing competition’ did not last long as the other two women were asked to leave since they were not doing a good job leaving the winner standing alone! I could not believe that I had won the dancing competition! My sister who arrived shortly after that, with her husband, could not believe it. You see, my wanting dancing abilities were no secret in my family until that moment!
As I made my way from the concert to run a few errands, I marveled at the ways of GOD. He chose a kindergarten concert, that I nearly did not attend because of so many errands, to prove His word to me and to give me a testimony! In fact, when I had read His word to me about dancing, I had thought that it was for a future time because I did not consider myself a good dancer just yet. I still saw myself as I did before not as one for whom GOD had already fulfilled His word. As I ‘skipped along’ the dusty road, I was further amused when I heard a radio in a small retail shop cheerfully playing one of my favorite songs, ‘I hope you dance’ ( by Lee Ann Womack) as if to seal the fact that it was divine – I chose to dance not to sit it out! In fact, news that my niece, Angelica, had pointed me out to the MC did not dilute my testimony. GOD had had a point to make and He had made it! I now need to think right – I need to know that I know how to dance. I need to be confident because GOD taught me and I came out WINNER in a dancing competition that I would have considered small if GOD had not spoken!
How often do we look at the promises of GOD as a far away thing hardly knowing that He has already delivered? How often do we choose to 'sit it out' than to 'dance' not knowing that GOD is only waiting for us to 'dance' so that He can make us aware of the fact that He has answered our prayer or that He has fulfilled His promise to us?
“...the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were” (Romans 4:17).
Consequently, today, I encourage you to remember the promises that GOD has given you and then 'step out' and dare. Dare to do that which you could not do before. Dare to do that which you prayed about and that GOD promised to teach you to do. Dare to believe that He has already done it because He is indeed the GOD who says things that are not as though they were.
Dear GOD, I repent that I forget your promises sometimes. I am held hostage by the fears that preceded your promises to me that I fail to see what your hand has already done. Please forgive me. I now ask you to give me the grace to let go of the fear and to be alert to the promises that you have already fulfilled in my life. In Jesus’ mighty name, I have prayed, amen.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

'The True Shepherd's Path'

Go After That 'Sheep'

Life as a minister of GOD or as a shepherd is not easy. I have learned to reach out and take off particular clothing, that I would never have parted with, in order to bring that one 'sheep' back home. I have learned to take off the garment of pride for instance so that I can don the one of humility so that I can reach out to the ‘lost one’.
Now, I do not know about you but for me I let people walk out of my life or I walk out of their lives. Before I became a fulltime minister, this would not bother me at all. In fact, this was one of the ways that helped me cope with life and with life’s disappointments. Nonetheless, when I accepted the call to serve GOD, I found that I could not always do what I felt like doing or magnify my feelings...I had to do what GOD told me to do regardless of whether I wanted to do it or not. Sometimes, I did not feel ‘healed’ enough to return to the one who caused me pain or with whom I had disagreed but GOD insisted that I do and I did.
If you have been following what the Spirit of GOD is saying in this season, you must know that we are in a season of mercy and reconciliation. In alignment with this, a few weeks back GOD impressed it upon my heart to forgive certain people and I did. Now, in case you are wondering, I do apologize a lot but sometimes people are not that willing to take me back.
Now, I had a silent disagreement with someone a few months back and that deafening silence, that I am almost sure you identify with, developed. I had apologized to her for what I had done wrong but I think she was too hurt to continue being friends with me. Therefore, that silence began. You must realize that GOD will often let me peek into people’s hidden sentiments towards me so I knew exactly what she felt towards me. However, I did not feel up to saving that ‘friendship’ and so I let it go – I did not hold on to it. In fact, I justified myself that my part in her life was done.
However, just yesterday (after a few nudges in that direction) GOD told me to open the communication lines! Of course, it was not what I wanted to do – my pride did not want me to do that! Nevertheless, GOD insisted that I do so so I did. I cannot lie to you that she sounded enthusiastic to hear from me and she definitely did not show it but I had done my part and that was that. I did not intend to do anything else other than that but GOD wanted me to persist so He led me to reach out to her again this morning. I did not say much but I only did what GOD prompted me to do and left it at that. Interestingly, this time it was not that hard seeing that I did not expect any enthusiasm from that corner but her response indicated that she had warmed up somewhat!
Now, the reason that I am writing to you today is to let you know that I have realized that, as a minister of GOD, I have a very big responsibility to the flock. I cannot afford negative sentiments that stand in the way of peace and reconciliation!
Secondly, I realize that I must go after the ‘broken’, the ‘maimed’ and the lost! I cannot rest on my laurels and enjoy the sun while some sheep is hurting out there! My friend’s reaction when I first reached out to her yesterday reminds me of a lost cock. When I was a child, we had a handful of chicken at any given time. However, sometimes, they would wander off and lose their way back home. We would then have to look for them but when we found them, they would retreat into a corner too scared to come to our arms. They would scamper off in fright until we would force our way and gather them in our arms.
As a minister of GOD, I must insist. I must insist and force love to the same person who does not want it from me. I now know that, sometimes, people do not know what is good for them and I must insist, push my way, and gather them in my arms.
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me — just as the Father knows me and I know the Father — and I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:11-15).
When I asked GOD to make me walk the true Shepherd’s path, I did not know that it would involve circumstances such as these. I did not know that for me to become a good shepherd or to walk the true Shepherd’s path, I would have to be the hired hand first! I did not know that I would even abandon the sheep at some point and then be gently reminded to return to them.
A good shepherd does not sit back and watch some sheep, in pain, crouch away in a corner afraid and alone. He ‘gets out of the comfort of his home’ and goes out, ‘in the dark’, to rescue the ‘lost one’. He braves the ‘dangers of the night’ and lays down his life. Now, the dangers of the night may be rejection by the ‘sheep’. While pride and all such things that you hold dear to you and would stand in the way of your going after that lost sheep, epitomize your life. You have to lay down these things and go after that sheep and rescue him or her.
You may think that since you are not a minister in Church, with a title, that this does not apply to you but it does. Even as you read this, the Spirit of GOD is impressing it upon you to reach out to that lost sheep. That person who looks up to you or sees you as his or her mentor is the sheep that GOD placed in your life. Let go of your pride and make that connection – insist on breaking the silence and bring that sheep back to your ‘sheep-pen’.
Dear GOD, I admit that I have sometimes been the hired hand! I have abandoned the sheep of my sheep pen because of pride and similar negative emotions. Please forgive me. I now return to you and ask you to make me a good shepherd. Make me like Christ who lay down His life for me. Strip me of all those negative emotions and character traits that hinder me from being a good shepherd. I thank you, LORD, because you have done it. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


3rd December 2009


“I will reposition people this season. I will take them from seemingly comfortable positions, positions from which they could hear me and in which they got the best results and anoint other positions. I will then place them in new positions chosen and anointed by me. Something uncomfortable will have to happen first for them to consider moving but I will show them a new side of me when they do. I will move in ways that I have never moved in before and a revival shall begin. The revival will start now and flow into the next year (personal and congregational)”.


“It is important for you to be in the right place at the right time with the right people because it will be disastrous for the winds of revival to find you in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong people. Pray for the right positioning, right people, and the right time”.


“I AM repositioning people spiritually and physically and taking them out of their comfort zone. Many are now accomplishing their missions in certain geographical areas and have to move or BE MOVED. When you stay long in an area, the enemy finds a way of getting to you. Therefore, I AM moving people out of geographical areas as well as spiritual ones. LET GO and let me move you to higher and better spiritual heights from which I will also move you when your mission there is accomplished”.


“You have been too long at mount Horeb. It is time to move! Get ready for the new positions. Change your perception of me, your place in the kingdom, and of everything, because there is something new happening in this place and it requires a new mentality”.


“I AM waking up people from their slumber. My time is now. People you did not imagine would be born again are going to be born again and will be on fire for Christ. A fire has been ignited in Heaven. Will you run with it? Will you catch it?

In this season, my Spirit is moving heavily and swiftly like a mighty wind! Do not miss it”! 


Thursday, 19 November 2015

'Twenty Years'

Below, is a word that GOD gave me years back.
7th April 2009
“Isaac had to pray for twenty years for Rebekah to conceive yet I had promised that it would be through him that the blessing would be reckoned”.

‘Twenty Years’
Okay, GOD has been telling me to speak to you about ‘TWENTY YEARS’.
This primarily has to do with fulfillment of your promises. Although GOD made you a promise, you did not see the physical manifestation of it. Therefore, you began praying about it twenty years ago. GOD says that it is now the appointed time for its manifestation. You will receive what you have been praying for for twenty years.
“I have been with you for twenty years now. Your sheep and goats have not miscarried, nor have I eaten rams from your flocks. I did not bring you animals torn by wild beasts; I bore the loss myself. And you demanded payment from me for whatever was stolen by day or night. This was my situation: The heat consumed me in the daytime and the cold at night, and sleep fled from my eyes. It was like this for the twenty years I was in your household. I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times” (Genesis 31:38-41).
For twenty years, Jacob worked for Laban who changed his wages in ten times during that time. It is now time for you to flee from 'Laban'. GOD will remember you and not only rebuke your Laban but also reward you for all those years that Laban cheated you.
“Because he had nine hundred iron chariots and had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years, they cried to the LORD for help” (Judges 4:3).
You have cried out to the LORD, concerning a certain situation, for the last twenty years. Yes, your enemy was much stronger than you were but now your deliverance is here. GOD will give you rest from your enemy.
Some reading this do not know that the thing that troubles them now began twenty years ago. For twenty years, you have cried out to the LORD to save you and it is now time for your salvation.
“Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines” (Judges 15:20).
“...and he reigned for twenty years. He did evil in the eyes of the LORD” (2Kings 15:27-28).
GOD is raising up some people to ‘lead’ His people for twenty years but they must be careful not to veer from His ways.

Monday, 16 November 2015


“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25).
For about two weeks now, GOD has been reminding me to keep in step with His Spirit. However, I did not know that the examination would be a hard one to pass and that it would have do with mercy. I needed to forgive, release peace instead of strife and then maintain my joy in salvation.
27th August 2015
Winds of mercy are blowing right now. May they embrace you.
14th November 2015
We are in a season of mercy, humility, submission, and reconciliation.
Whenever GOD tells us to forgive others and reconcile with them, spiritual promotion is around the corner. In fact, it is interesting that your way up is down. When you humble yourself, you are exalted.
Now, in August, GOD spoke to me about mercy and then He said it again a few days back. This was right after a bout of anger. You see, the Spirit of GOD revealed what two people said against me and I was livid. However, in a matter of minutes, the same Spirit told me to have mercy! To be honest with you, I was so comfortable being angry that I did not want to release them but because GOD instructed me to do so, I did. Now, I did not know that He was talking to me not only about those two people but also about someone else who was going to hurt me so deeply that I would need to be merciful towards her. Without warning, just last night it happened! Someone, to whom I have done no wrong by the grace of GOD, wronged me again. I was more than livid.
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord” (Romans 12:17-19).
The gentle morning hours found me on the warpath. I opened my mouth and pronounced vile words upon her! I justified myself as I fought on and did not even want to forgive her or bless her. Nonetheless, as I continued in my tirade, the Spirit of GOD rushed in and told me to bless. He reminded me that He had brought me to that place to bless not to curse. He slowly prized my fingers off my ‘weapon of cursing’ and helped me to forgive. He also reminded me that it is His to avenge and mine to bless, so, I began blessing my enemy even if it was not easy.
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
Just then, He reminded me to thank Him for the attack and I painfully did so. I must tell you that as soon as I thanked GOD for the attack, the pain abated. As I continued to bless her, I felt relief even as I reached out for the plunder. I decreed and declared what I would like to have in all areas of my life and I thanked GOD for answering.
Now, again, I want to tell you that the winds of change are blowing and they bring mercy with them. Do not miss the chance to be merciful. I know that it is painful but also that this is hard to achieve but the Spirit of GOD will enable you to do what He wants you to do.
Dear GOD, even if by your grace, I live at peace with my enemy she fights me with every opportunity that she gets and sometimes she succeeds. I do not understand why you let this happen but I know that you are the GOD who knows the end from the beginning and I know that this will end one day.
Nonetheless, when she attacks me I have sometimes opened my mouth and cursed her. Please forgive me. I know that you command me to bless my enemy but also that I should be thankful when bad things happen to me. Please remind me to do so, always and to remember to leave room for your vengeance.
I now, forgive my enemy and bless her. I pray that she will live long on this earth and will enjoy perfect health. I pray that you will bless her in all areas of her life.
Father, you have taught me that in every war there is plunder. From this battleground, I now take my plunder in form of power, wealth, marriage, children, anointing, and my uninterruptible connection with you. I thank you, LORD, because you have given me victory and made me plunder my enemy. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


Okay, I thought we were done for the day but GOD told me to post this as well. Enjoy.


9th June 2009


You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore, the LORD your GOD has set you above your companions and anointed you with the oil of joy.


    • The tears and the disappointments have been many for the love of
      righteousness but I AM changing all that. I AM going to make you laugh. I AM going to pay you back with the oil of gladness.
      Your companions shall see your joy and hear it from afar - that will be my payment to them.
      14th June 2009
      Today, I have restored you. I AM taking away all those that you called ‘friends’. The devil had set them up to destroy you but they are now out of your life. Be careful whom you call friend. Do not let anyone get too close to you. I have called you for mighty works in the kingdom that many will try to bring you down and that is why I have sent away the sons of the concubines from Isaac – they will not share in your inheritance. The abomination that causes desolation has been destroyed and the sanctuary is now consecrated once more.

Your Season...

In case, you missed it on Facebook, this is what GOD wants me to tell you today.

31st May 2009

“This is your season – your season of laughter. ‘Madea’ was only preparing you”.
“They shall see and hear and will be surprised. They will wonder how, when, where it all happened and where it was all knit together”.

Friday, 6 November 2015

'Did I Influence Her In Any Way'?

You will agree with me that, sometimes, people come into our lives for such a short time and then they are gone! Before I can preach to them or actively cause any impact on them, they are gone and I am left wondering whether I did right...

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25).


Sometimes, I am saddened by the fact that people exit my life without giving their lives to Christ! I then rebuke myself for having not done much more to win them over. So many thoughts go through my mind. However, I do not berate myself that much because I know that I keep in step with the Spirit of GOD. By His grace, l always do what I am supposed to do in people’s lives.


However, since I am so used to ‘doing’, I will often forget that GOD brings some people into my life to ‘do’ and I thank Him for that! However, because they are not born again, I sometimes ‘miss it’. Nevertheless, I purpose to (consciously but also without conscious effort) do all that I can do to bring them closer to GOD than they were when I first met them. I also purpose to be humble enough to let people do what they are supposed to do in my life.




Dear GOD, sometimes, I go on about my daily errands mindless of whether I am influencing those that you bring into my life. Please forgive me. I now purpose to influence everyone by my character and by my words so that they leave changed.


I am also aware that you, sometimes, bring them to me so that they can influence me in some way. I thank you, LORD. Give me the grace to be humble enough to receive from them regardless of whether they have given their lives to you or not.


Father, some do not even want to listen to me preach to them. Give me the grace to preach to them even without words. Let my actions be the gospel of peace that words could never have preached. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

'Wealth Messenger'

‘Wealth Messenger’
GOD speaks to me in so many ways. Sometimes, He speaks to me in just one word or a set of words or even through names of people, or organizations. Now, the prophetic word above was through the words, ‘Wealth Messenger’.
25th October 2015
You will soon meet someone who will bring you your wealth. That person has been entrusted with the responsibility of carrying your wealth to you.
Now, what He said made me uneasy because I knew that some would take out their ‘eyeglasses’ and ‘microphones’ and read more into it or even discredit it and I was right. Even if I knew that it was a corporate word, due to this unease, I asked GOD to confirm it to me and He did. He told me to share it with you and I obeyed.
Fulfillment of the Prophecy
“...that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing” (Ezra 1:1).
It was one of those words that you simply share but one that you do not think about much. In fact, your expectancy levels are not very high concerning its fulfillment. Well, given a particular negative reaction I received, I soon forgot about it but GOD did not. As usual, when He says something, He will move the heart of a ‘king’ so that His word is fulfilled. The fulfillment of that word is manifested in action. This action may be in proclamation and writing and then followed by ensuing activity as was with King Cyrus.
The following day, on Monday, someone requested that she and I meet on Tuesday and I agreed. She shared a testimony of the healing she had received when I prayed for her a couple of months back. Nonetheless, unknown to me was the fact that she made a vow to GOD when He healed her. She told Him that, if He gave her money, she would give me a particular amount as a thank offering. Needless to mention, GOD gave it to her and promptly reminded her to give it to me.
When we met, yesterday, she shared the testimony with me but also the vow that she made to GOD and then she gave me the money. It was then that I remembered the word of GOD concerning money. I thank GOD that He spoke to me and that He watched over His word until it was fulfilled. I also thank Him that He proved His word that He indeed moves the hearts of kings so that His word spoken by His servants is fulfilled.
His Ways Are Not Our Ways
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your Thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
As I held the envelope and prayed for her, the Spirit of GOD told me that her harvest would be in the area of marriage. You see, she and her future husband are facing a few challenges. Therefore, GOD said that He would use that seed to bless resolve the challenges they were facing. Indeed His ways are not our ways or His thoughts our thoughts. You see, because she had blessed me with money, I was inclined to pray that GOD increases her in that area. However, GOD saw what she needed more and led me to pray over that.
It Can Happen For You too
Now, I know that the GOD who said that it was for everyone is the same GOD who will make it happen for you. Have faith in His word and do not be cynical about it. Simply take it as it is and expect it to be fulfilled in your life.
You May Be the Messenger
You must also realize that if you have made a vow to GOD, concerning money, it is time to honor it. Maybe, He wants to use you to be the ‘wealth messenger’ in this case. GOD may even use the seed you sow, in the right ground, to address that need that you have.
Lesson Learned
I learned a lesson from all of this. I learned that not every word that GOD speaks through me will be received well. It is only for those for whom it is meant. However, as one through whom He has spoken, I need to keep my eyes on the word and close my ears to anything else that is contrary to it.
Dear GOD, I thank you for not only releasing your word through me but also fulfilling it. Thank you for moving the heart of the king so that your word may be fulfilled. I also thank you, LORD, for giving me the grace to release your word to the world even though I knew the opposition that awaited it. I thank you that I did not recall it even when that opposition arose, for it is not mine to recall.
Father, give me the grace to perform my duty as the 'wealth messenger' to whom you will send me. I pray that I sow in the exact ground that you have prepared for me. Thank you, LORD, because you have done it. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Eight Years Ago (revised with an addition)

There is something about eight years ago. GOD has been talking to me about ‘eight years ago’. I honestly do not know what He is saying in its entirety but for now; allow me to release what I hear.
  • You will regain something that you lost eight years ago.
  • Something that you started eight years ago is coming to fruition now.
  • GOD is now answering a prayer that you said eight years ago. You are beginning to appreciate the exactness of GOD because He is giving you everything as you prayed for it. I see the word, ‘details’. GOD is answering your prayer to the detail.
  • A prophetic word that was given to you EIGHT YEARS AGO is now unfolding right before your eyes exactly as it was said.

Friday, 23 October 2015


Sometimes, I have no better words to use other than the words ‘my heart broke’ because that is exactly how I feel and that is the only way that I can describe it! You must realize that I am not talking about the ‘heartbreak’ connected to a love affair – this is deeper. It is a feeling that I cannot describe to you and that one that you would have to feel in order to know it.


The first time I felt it was at the beginning of my ministry. GOD made me feel so much pain for what His body was doing or not doing. When I asked Him why I was feeling that way, He said that He felt that way! In other words, I felt the heart of GOD. However, what I did not know then was that this feeling had come to stay! I will feel it now and again when someone hurts me but also when I hurt GOD. I will also feel it when someone that I am praying for has done something to hurt GOD. I feel it when I feel betrayed but also when I am betrayed. It is a feeling that fills my heart the instant my peace is attacked.


“...and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth” (Jeremiah 15:19).


Attacks that rob me of my peace usually come in form of words or actions that elicit a verbal response from me. GOD will periodically examine me and it was only recently that the Spirit of GOD revealed it to me that GOD examines me mostly in this area – in ‘the department of words’. What I say when I open my mouth is very important to whether I pass or fail an exam. In fact, my victory often lies in remaining silent.


Now, about two weeks ago, He warned me of coming exams and wished me luck in them. Of course, even if I cancelled them, I knew that GOD would bring them anyway. Therefore, they began. However, I must tell you that I have already tripped and, even if I do not like to say it, I know that I have failed some! You see, situations occurred where I was offended and I opened my mouth! Although I did not curse, I did not bless either. These situations were both in a typical Ugandan taxi (if you are a Ugandan, you know what I mean). As soon as I stepped out of the first encounter, I knew that I had failed the exam and my heart broke and I immediately repented. The next one, I was more alert and I refused to say anything other than, ‘forgive me sir’. I passed that one. The third time, I could clearly see that I was about to be examined but then my examiner held his peace and knew that GOD had exempted me from that one. Nonetheless, when I was examined the fourth time, I failed and, again, my heart broke and I repented to GOD immediately.


My next exam appeared in a word that GOD said this morning. He said, ‘MWOGERA’ (you people talk too much) and I knew that that there was my next examination! It was not the first time that GOD was cautioning me using this word and whenever He does, I pray not to open my mouth in gossip, slander or in argument. Therefore, I prayed and asked Him to put His hand on my mouth so that I would not say anything that I was not supposed to say. I also asked Him to take all that is vile out of my system and replace it with the precious so that when I open my mouth only precious words (His word) flow out.


It was not long before I was given the next exam. Now, I am in a season of my life where I am so busy but productive. However, the devil will use anything and anyone to distract me from GOD’S purpose for my life. To be honest with you, unless it builds the kingdom of GOD directly, I do not want to have anything to do with it. You see, there is so much that I need to do in order to ‘build my part of the wall’.


It so happens that, sometimes, because we want to be ‘well-mannered’ or ‘proper’ we suffer people and their attitudes towards us. This takes our peace and causes a ‘roadblock’ to the successful accomplishment of our divine duties. Well, my time and assignment to the kingdom of GOD takes priority over everything else steals my joy and peace. Therefore, today I chose to be different. I chose to put my foot down and refuse to be drawn into something that would do just that. I verbally told my ‘opponents’ that I had so much to do for the kingdom of GOD that I did not ‘need this’. I promptly closed my mouth and went back to work!


Consequently, I advise you to prioritize the things in your life and decide what it is that matters more. Is it that which the devil uses to steal your joy and peace while stalling the successful completion of your kingdom duties? Choose to be different...choose to take a stand and say, ‘NO, I will not be drawn into this this time. I have kingdom work to take care of’.




Dear GOD, there have been times when I have given in to the devil’s attacks and opened my mouth and retorted in anger. Please forgive me. Today, LORD, I choose silence even as I choose peace and joy. I will not let the devil take away my joy. LORD, whenever you are silent may I be silent and may I speak whenever you have something to say. Please empty me of all the vile and fill me with the precious. I thank you, LORD, because you have done. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.

Thursday, 22 October 2015


“Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen hat good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:38-42).
About three weeks back, I met a woman who I had taken months without meeting. Her name is ‘Maliza’, which is the Luganda version for Martha. Now, we exchanged pleasantries and as we spoke I told her that she was the only Maliza I personally knew. She agreed that they were not many but that there were some. Well, we soon said our goodbyes and went separate ways. Now, I did not know that GOD was telling me something and that I was about to meet a ‘Maliza’.
Two days back, I visited with someone who had not been able to meet with me for some time. We shared as the Spirit of GOD led us and then we prayed. However, GOD completely took me by surprise and showed up in a way that He last showed up eight years ago – it was powerful, it was deep and His presence was tangible! He revealed so much and gave her a number of instructions.
Now, it so happened that her brother had had an asthma attack and was admitted in the Hospital. Her plan was to go and visit with him and then later continue to a certain Church for overnight prayers. However, during our time with GOD He spoke and told her not to go for the overnight. Later, as we were preparing to part ways, He also instructed her not to go to the Hospital. GOD said that He wanted her to Himself. He then said that He was going to visit her and, as He spoke, I clearly saw the word ‘visitation’ in my mind. In fact, because of the spirit of urgency with which GOD spoke, I turned down her offer to walk me a few meters to the taxi stop – GOD wanted her NOW. Therefore, I quickly bade her goodbye and told her go into His presence.
Just yesterday, she called me and told me that when she got home, she prepared a meal and worshiped GOD in song and prayer. She also said that she had a peaceful night as opposed to other nights. However, she said that she had not received the visitation! She had experienced nothing out of the ordinary. Well, I remembered the urgency with which GOD had spoken and I wondered what had happened to deter the visitation. However, GOD was quick to point out that even the peaceful night was part of the visitation.
As I kept watch last night, I again asked GOD what had happened. He then spoke and told me, ‘MALIZA’. He said that she went about cooking, as Martha did, instead of sitting at His feet as Mary did! I feel the heart of GOD even as I write this to you. You see, GOD visited her but she was busy cooking instead of being in His presence!
Before and shortly after GOD called me into ministry, I was a Martha. I would take to cleaning my house and taking care of all the house chores excellently until the house was sparkling! By the time I would settle down to read the word of GOD and hear from Him, half of the day had sped by. Thankfully, my thirst for Him made me aware of this and I changed. I put on hold all the things that would keep me from my Lover and entered His presence, forgot everything else as I drunk and fed from Him at His feet. His presence was so sweet that no matter how excellent my housekeeping skills were, I chose to turn my back to my house chores and turned my face to my Master. Everything else came secondary to GOD and my special time with Him. I take this with me everywhere I go.
When GOD VISITS, we should stop whatever we are doing and simply BE. It is an experience that I have lived and continue to live but cannot describe it well enough to you. He yearns to be with you and is in fact sitting in your sitting room waiting for you but you are doing everything else but sitting at His feet!
Dear GOD, I am sorry that I have been more concerned about taking care of my household chores than I have been about being in your presence. Please forgive me. Today, I choose to put you first in everything. I choose to put everything on hold while I sit at your feet and feed from your plate. I thank you, LORD, because you have enabled me to make this choice but also that you have done it through me. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed, amen.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


“For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth. And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we. And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water. And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him. And they digged another well, and strove for that also: and he called the name of it Sitnah. And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land. And he went up from thence to Beer-sheba. And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake. And he builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the LORD and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's servants digged a well. Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Phichol the chief captain of his army. And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate me, and have sent me away from you? And they said, We saw certainly that the LORD was with thee: and we said, Let there be now an oath betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee; That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace: thou art now the blessed of the LORD. And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink” (Genesis 26:15-30).
The Spirit of GOD told me to tell you not to fight over that, which the enemy claims is his. Move on. Leave what is disputed and move on to what will not be disputed. GOD will give you room and cause you to flourish in the land.
At the beginning of the scripture above, it is written that Abimelech asked Isaac to ‘go away’ from him and his because Isaac was mightier than they were. However, when Isaac left, they followed him and quarreled over the wells that Isaac would reopen.
You will note that the wells that Isaac REOPENED were those that his father Abraham had dug and gave them the same names. In other words, the wells belonged to the one who had dug them and because Isaac was his son, they were rightfully his. However, whenever he reopened them, the Philistines quarreled with his herdsmen and claimed ownership of the same wells! Therefore, Isaac renamed them following the disputes. While he named one, ‘Esek’ to mean dispute, he named another ‘Sitnah’ to mean opposition.
Interestingly when they arose, so did Isaac and he reopened yet another well that Abraham had dug. Nonetheless, the Philistines continued to claim Abraham’s wells until his son Isaac MOVED ON from there and dug one that they did not quarrel over. He then said that the LORD had given him room and that he would prosper in the land. Therefore, he called that well, ‘REHOBOTH’.
After that, Isaac moved and went to Beersheba and that very night GOD appeared to him and spoke to him. GOD reaffirmed to him that he was with him and that he would bless him for Abraham’s sake!
And they rose up betimes in the morning, and sware one to another: and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace. And it came to pass the same day, that Isaac's servants came, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him, We have found water. And he called it Shebah: therefore the name of the city is Beer-sheba unto this day” (Genesis 26:31-33).
Now, the same people who chased away Isaac were the same ones who came to him admitting that indeed GOD was with him and that he was blessed. Interestingly, the same men who sent Isaac away and quarreled over the wells that his father had dug and that he reopened were the same men who said that they had done him no wrong! They then asked him to make a sworn agreement with them so that he would not hurt them. It is commendable that Isaac quickly put their earlier disputes behind him and made them a feast. He later made a sworn agreement not to cause them harm.
It is hardly coincidental that that same day, after Abimelech and his men had left, Isaac’s servants found water. It is also hardly surprising that Isaac named it ‘Shebah’ to stand for ‘oath’. My belief is that GOD blessed Isaac as He had promised to but also because of his spirit of mercy and reconciliation.
Now, your ‘well’ may be a business that those in authority or more powerful than you are have quarreled over. In fact, it does not matter how many of the ‘wells’ that you dug, and that were rightfully yours, have been disputed. MOVE ON. Before long, those who fought against you will stop fighting you and claiming what is yours. GOD will then appear to you and reaffirm His covenant with you GOD will give you room and you will flourish in the land. This time, the ‘well’ that you will dig will not be claimed. It will be yours.
They, who opposed you, will realize that GOD is with you and that you are blessed. They will then ask you to make a covenant of peace with them. Nonetheless, just as Isaac did, you will be required to put your earlier differences behind you and make peace with them. You will make a written agreement with them and immediately after that GOD will bless you.
Dear GOD, I was disheartened when the very people who asked me to leave followed me and quarreled over that which was rightfully mine. They came and claimed it after I had gone through the entire process of building it up. GOD, I will move on now because I know that you have given me the land and that I will flourish in it.
Father when they come looking for me, because they certainly will, seeing that you have blessed me, make me noble enough to welcome them. Give me the grace to put my earlier differences with them behind me and make peace with them. I await the blessing that follows mercy, peace, and reconciliation. I thank you, LORD, because you have done it. In Jesus’ mighty name, I have prayed, amen.