Friday, 26 June 2015

The Mothers and The Wives (based on 'On This Day of The LORD')

On 24th June 2015 I wrote a post called, ‘On This Day of The LORD’. In that post, the Spirit of GOD said that in this season mothers and wives were having dreams and visions or trances that had to do with oncoming death. He also said that they are being called to stand in the gap for their loved ones and that, if they do, the spirit of death will be overcome.

Now, I honestly did not think about it after that and I went back to my normal life until I met someone whose words reminded me of that word. She lost a cousin this very week and she told me that his mother had actually had a dream of him in a pool of blood a few days back! Now, since she is not born – again, I highly doubt that she prayed against the spirit of death or that she handled it in a spiritually befitting way to avert death. It was sad but what she dreamt about actually happened – her son died!

Sometimes, I wish I would talk to everyone or reach them somehow so that lives can be saved. Therefore, today my request to you is that you share this and any other of my messages with your loved ones. I want lives to be saved from death but also that those who are not saved give their lives to CHRIST and live for Him. Feel free to share any other post that may have spoken to you in any way so that lives can be changed for the glory of GOD. Thank you.


Dear GOD, I thank you for your seasonal word that helps direct my path. Father, in regards to the word that was released recently, I cover myself and all my loved ones under your precious blood and I decree that the death shall not find us. I cancel the spirit of death over all my family members and all those that you have given to me. I thank you for the new lease on life that you have given us all. In JESUS name, I have prayed, amen.  

Thursday, 25 June 2015

The Old Women Who Stood In The Gap

Yes, there are times when my fingers simply fly over the keyboard concerning some prophecies or words of wisdom but there are also times when I struggle to release a seasonal word and this is one of those times.

First, it is because it still has to do with death, as was one of my recent posts, (On This Day of the LORD) but this time...death is happening now. Sometimes, I wish I could say it differently but I can’t.  

The old women (grandmothers) who took both the place of father and mother in the lives of many orphans are dying in this season. They have to go.

My prayer is that yours are not among these. My prayer is that GOD will avert death in your life.


Dear GOD, you are a wise GOD and all your thoughts are true and right. I know that when you purpose to do something, you do it, LORD but today, my King, I ask you to change. I ask you, LORD, to change your action concerning the death of those women who stood in the place of both father and mother to the ones who were fatherless at the time. I ask you, gracious King, to lift your hand. I ask you to avert death this time just as you did when Hezekiah turned to the wall. I thank you because you have done it. In JESUS’ mighty name, I have prayed, amen.




Recently, GOD spoke and told me results of HIV/ AIDS will be negative. He reiterated on what He said, years back (22nd December 2007, November 2009 and 30th October 2014) and has been reaffirming since then. The following day, my brother in law, who uses colloidal silver to assist many suffering from different ailments, gave me a testimony of one of his patients who was healed and whose results came up negative – she is not infected by the HIV virus! She no longer has the HIV virus in her system. He told that his patient who had been written off by family and medical staff told him that the doctors are still in shock about her progress and the suddenly good report.

A few minutes back a friend, who was on the brink of death when I last saw her, called me. As she testified of GOD’S saving power, He told me to remind you about His word. He wants me to remind you that He said that He would heal those suffering from HIV/ AIDS and that He is doing just that. As I listened to the now vibrant voice of my friend, I was brought to tears about GOD’S goodness. I know she, too, will show me her new report – a good report of healing. I know that GOD will look after His word to see that it is fulfilled.

GOD BLESS YOU as He reveals His healing hand to you.

The Last Will Be FIRST

Matthew 20:16
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
I don’t know in what sense and under what circumstances you came to be ‘last’, but it is now time for you to be first. GOD has seen your distress and has heard your cries – He has made you first. GOD will put the one who went before you, and was considered first, last. You will now take your position as FIRST.

Your well intended efforts to deter the move will be prevented and the one who was first will take the last place so willingly that you will be in the first place, where you belong, before you know it.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

What Do People See When They Look At You?

It is interesting what people see when they look at us just as it is quite refreshing to hear nice comments about us in this lifetime.

Yesterday, I met a young woman who I did not recognize but she smiled at me and then stopped to chat further. Okay, I did not remember seeing her before but, thank GOD, she was very willing to assist me with that. Now, this morning, she walked up to where I was sitting and took the seat next to me, even if there were many other seats in the room. She placed her laptop bag right next to me on the bench and walked out to do something. However, when she came back, what she said to me made me laugh so hard that I found it hard to stop.

This is how our conversation began. Seeing my Bible open right there on my desk, she started a conversation with me. Apart from asking me if I am a Pastor, she talked about her first impression of me. She said that I always appeared ‘full of life’, ‘musical’ and ‘untouchable’. Oh, she also mentioned my dress sense. She said that she would wonder at the colors I managed to put together in one outfit, including the shoes and bags, and get away with it. Of course, she did not approve of all the ensemble all the time but that it was interesting. She also said that she did not sense any evil emanating from me – I give off liveliness. She also said that what I give off energy and life and that that is what people get from me. She also said that I seemed to be in ‘my own space’ not daunted by anyone or anything. She also said that I have a musical walk that she seemed to attest to my plugged in earphones after a day’s work!

When I finally caught my breath from laughing so hard, I told her that I am actually not always ‘full of life’ and that sometimes I am really a not very happy person, which she understood. I also told her that when I put my earphones inside my ears, it is rarely to listen to music but to my poems – they inspire me.  

Now, interestingly, when she finally powered up her laptop, she noticed that she did not have the work she had intended to do when she first set out to come. In other words, our meeting was divine. We talked about so many things yet it was the first time we were really having a conversation. I gave her counsel about many things in the area of holy living before marriage and during a marriage as a woman and in the area of prayer but I also learned so much from her. The lesson that I took away with me was that when GOD gives us gifts it is disastrous if we use them for selfish reasons only focused on promoting our ministries.  

I must say that I did not do all that I had set out to do but that I did all that GOD had set me up to do today. To think that I even tried to get her to take another seat yet she was one of my assignments today is unthinkable.

I pray that you meet someone today who will say some good things about you that will make you laugh so hard that you will not want to stop! I also pray that you will bless each other beyond the ‘nice things’!